Ellie Beagley - 13th July 2020
We are delighted to inform you that following the very latest guidelines from the Department for Education we are able to open our Sporty Kidz Holiday club, in a Covid-Secure way, for the Summer holidays at the Winston Sports Centre in Woking.
Running Monday 27th July – Friday 28th August 2020
Your child will be grouped in 'bubbles' by age and according to guidelines.
We have been working hard to implement changes to our programme to allow us to operate safely within the current Public Health England parameters, whilst still ensuring the children in our care have as much fun as possible!
Due to the new rules and requirements, we will not be able to offer our ‘Early Bird Special’ prices or ‘Half Days’.
Bookings for the Sporty Kidz Summer Holiday Camp are now open.
We would encourage you only to book, with the following in mind:
• Bookings can be made for single or multiple days across the Summer.
Our standard day runs from 9:00am to 3:00pm, with AM & PM extensions available to cover a full day from 8:15am to 5:00pm.
• Our clubs will operate in a ‘Covid Secure’ way with greatly enhanced hygiene and cleaning routines, temperature checks on arrival and maintaining consistent staff, groups and social distancing where possible; however it is likely there will be times where children will be less than 1 metre from other children and staff.
• Children are to be grouped into ‘bubbles’ and those bubbles will not mix throughout the day. Each Bubble will have different drop off and collection points.
• Government advice is to consider sending your child to the same, local setting consistently, in order to prevent your child from mixing with multiple different groups of children.
• Capacities will be reduced from normal levels. We would advise you to book your sessions as soon as you know which dates you require in order to avoid disappointment.
What does my child need to bring?
We will try and be outside as much as possible this Summer (weather permitting!) but we require children to bring the following items with the child’s name on:
• Hand Sanitizer
• Packed Lunch & snacks
• Drinks bottle
• Pencil case with colouring pencils.
• Coat
• Sun hat & sun cream
• Trainers
Can my child be in the same bubble as their friend or sibling?
We are unable to guarantee that friends or siblings will be in the same bubble, but if they are similar in age, it is fairly likely they will be.
What if a child is showing symptoms?
On arrival, if a child has a high temperature or a cough, they will be refused entrance to our camp (37.8 or higher). If it’s between 37 and 37.7 it will be monitored after an hour and throughout the day.
During the day, if a child displays Covid 19 symptoms they will be withdrawn and isolated away from their bubble, and they must be collected by their parent.
It is then the parent’s responsibility to get the child tested through the NHS Track and Trace system and notify Sporty Kidz of a positive or negative result.
If you get a negative result, but your child is still showing symptoms, they must remain home. If they are not showing symptoms, then you may return with proof of a negative result. If a positive result, you must notify Sporty Kidz immediately.
Please note, if a bubble has to self-isolate for 14 days, due to a confirmed case at camp, Sporty Kidz will not be able to provide any refund.
What will happen at Sign In and Sign out?
Our Drop off and pick up procedure has now changed.
We ask all parents to park in the sports centre car park, and go straight towards their child’s designated bubbles meeting point. Please do not enter the school building.
Please adhere to social distancing when queuing. Once your child has reached the door and had their temperature taken by the head coach, then you are able to leave your child.
On collection, please que whilst adhering to social distancing, once you are at the front of the queue, please inform the coach of the child you are collecting, and they will call them to you.
Extended Day pick up at 5pm will be from the red sports centre doors.
We look forward to seeing you all again this Summer!
To book please click here